Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 14:24:59 -0500
From: Mark Mandel
Subject: Call: Interdisciplinary Conference

The following appeared in LINGUIST List #9.660
Please do NOT reply to me, but
direct any responses directly to the address given below.

- ---------- Call for Papers ----------

Announcing Our 3rd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference
BORDER SURJECTS 3: (Dis)locations of Culture
October 8-10, 1988, ay ILLinois State University, Normal IL

Papers and Presentations Invited on the Following Topics:
* The Politics of Official Language Policy
* The Ebonics Controversy
* Immigration History and Language Policy in the U.S and Other Countries
* The threat to other dialects and ethnic groups to learn the surrounding
majority language in the U.S. and Other Countries.
* Social and political pressures on bilingualism including the ramifications
for such programs as bilingual education

The conference welcomes diverse and creative interpretations of its topics.

Send abstracts proposals for papers ans panels (250 words) to:

Ron Strickland
English Department
Illinois State University
Normal IL 61790-4240
e-mail: rlstrick[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

Please send abstracts and proposals via email if possible.
Dealine for abstracts and proposals: June 30, 1998

For more information, contact Ron Strickland:

ph: 309-438-7907
email: rlstrick[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]