Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 10:05:45 +0900
From: Daniel Long
Subject: crryhe, marmottao
I am working on the translation of a 19th English text about the Bonin
Islands in the Pacific.
Discussing the plants and animals of the island, the text reads "there
are on the Islands, wild plum, crryhe, orange, laurel, juniper and box
wood tree, sandal wood, marmottao, wild cactus, curry plant, wild sage
and celery."
Has anyone ever heard of "crryhe" or "marmottao"? I can't find them in
dictionaries. The spelling of the former looks very odd, but I can't
figure out what kind of typo this could be.
Danny Long
Daniel Long, Associate Professor tel +81-6-723-8297
Japanese Language Research Center fax +81-6-723-8302
Osaka Shoin Women's College dlong[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
4-2-26 Hishiyanishi
Higashi-Osaka-shi, Osaka Japan 577-8550