Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 10:30:35 -0700
From: Yongwei Gao <951208[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]FUDAN.EDU.CN>
Subject: Re: Neologisms

Have anybody there ever seen the following list of words? I don t know
whether they can be regarded as neologisms.
casp kid Casp kids (those born between 1960 and 1970) actually
benefited from the mass media's obsession with the boomers.(95/4/25 New
York Times A3)
ceiling out Theoretically, and by design, no child can correctly
answer every item in a subtest. Before completing a subtest and moving
along to the next, the child must ceiling out #-a polite way of saying
fail. (New York 12/18/95 p43)
chai To the coffees and teas it serves in its cafes, Borders
bookstore add chai, a blend of tea, milk, vanilla, honey and spices.
(5/15/97 Wall Street Journal p1)
chubbies And while sales of traditional Nancy Reagan full-lengthers
are still weak, high-end designers say they are doing a brisk business
in bomber jackets, stoles, and chubbies, the short jackets that mimic
cropped down-filled parkas. (7/14/97 New York p20)
cigar-ish News of the New York nightlife crackdown must be slow to
travel, and that s a good thing. With a few exceptions, clubland of late
has tended toward the intimate, loungey, cigar-ish; let s face it, it s
been getting boring. (97/9/8 New York p128)
crowd-surf That crowd-surfing business looks like fun. I tried to
imagine hippies crowd-surfing at the original Woodstock to someone like,
oh, Ravi Shankar. Then again, you watch people crowd-surfing to
countrified Melissa Etheridge and you think: What s wrong with this
picture? (8/15/94 Sun D1)
culture surfing I was June 1994, weeks after the about-face at CBS.
Running a network is like culture surfing, explains Sanitsky. You ve
got to keep paddling out there and hope you catch a wave. Darren is not
a bad surfboard to have. (5/96 Esquire p79)


Yongwei Gao
Fudan University,
Shanghai, China