Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 11:48:44 +0000
From: Victoria Neufeldt
Subject: Re: Tom Creswell (was: plural's - a new development?)
All this stuff about apostrophe use reminds me of a paper Tom
Creswell gave to a meeting of the Dictionary Society of North America
years ago -- early 80s, I think. He gave some hilarious examples of
creative apostrophizing from his collection. I think he also gave
another paper on the same subject more recently, either for DSNA or
ADS, but it is the first one at DSNA that I especially remember, perhaps
because it was my first exposure to his wit and mental energy. His
papers were always interesting and thought-provoking, and usually
entertaining as well. He was an excellent speaker, with his booming voice
and easy manner. And he was an indefatigable researcher with an
inquiring mind and a sharp eye and I always looked forward to his
presentations. In recent years his deafness interfered with his
ability to enjoy social gatherings, including DSNA and ADS meetings,
which was a pity, for he was a sociable person.
He was also a kind and good friend. I will miss him a lot. For
those who don't know, he died last Thursday, June 18th, of congestive
heart failure.
I will be including an obituary for Tom in the DSNA spring Newsletter
(which should have come out in May, but now I'm glad I'm late with it).
Virginia McDavid has graciously agreed to write the obituary, but I
would also like to hear from anyone on the list who knew him and
could offer reminiscences.
Virginia told me today that he died at home (he had come home from
the hospital two weeks before). He would have turned 78 on July
22nd. He had had serious heart trouble for more than 25 years and
had survived two serious heart attacks.
Victoria Neufeldt