End of ADS-L Digest - 12 Jun 1998 to 13 Jun 1998

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Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 00:00:07 -0400
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Subject: ADS-L Digest - 12 Jun 1998 to 13 Jun 1998
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From: Automatic digest processor (6/13/98)
To: Recipients of ADS-L digests

ADS-L Digest - 11 Jun 1998 to 12 Jun 1998 98-06-13 00:01:12
There are 3 messages totalling 119 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

1. Fabricated anecdotes
2. Query: PREPONE
3. Glass


Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 08:23:04 -0400
From: "Bethany K. Dumas"
Subject: Fabricated anecdotes

Recently, I asked whether there was research on the question of how we
decide that anecdotes are fabricated. Today's NYTimes contains info about
a contemporary scandal involving fabrcted anecdotes. See:

Birefly, the story is this:

-----quoted material - NYTimes 6/12/98-----
There was the article last February about the three
twentysomething White House interns sitting hunched
over vodka martinis in a Washinton bar, "feverishly
speculating about the details of President Clinton's
sex life."

In that same issue, there was the article about how
environmental special interest groups, like "Truth
in Science, a Christian organization skeptical
of global warming," and the "Association for the
Advancement of Sound Water Policy," use weather reports
to advance their own agendas.

And in December 1997, there was a piece about advertisements
encouraging employees to rat on their bosses. "Ads by a Texas drug-testing
lab encourage employees to reveal
whether their boss is using narcotics by sending in a few
hairs and $115," the article said.

All false. Not one of the above anecdotes or quotes or
sources existed. They are instead the
handiwork of 25-year-old Stephen Glass, a writer who it now
appears made up part or all
of these and 24 other articles in The New Republic over the
last three years.
-----end quoted material-----
