Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 21:03:44 EDT
From: Ron Butters
Subject: Fwd: Communications Conference in Cuba (fwd)
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Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 16:19:42 -0500
From: Maureen Cullins
Subject: Communications Conference in Cuba (fwd)
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I'm sure you've seen this. -Maureen
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 08:47:07 -0700
>From: Lorrina Monique Duffy
>Subject: Communications Conference in Cuba
>>> JANUARY 25-28, 1999
>>>The Applied Linguistics Centre of Ministry of Science,
>>>Technology and Environment in Santiago de Cuba, is pleased
>>>to announce the Sixth International Symposium on Social
>>>Communication to be held in Santiago de Cuba, January
>>>25th-28th, 1999. This international event will focus on
>>>social communication processes from the points of view
>>>of Applied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics,
>>>Cybernetics, Medicine, Ethnology, Folklore and Mass
>>>Media Studies.
>>>The Symposium will be also sponsored by:
>>>.. University of Oriente, Cuba
>>>.. Higher Institute for Medical Sciences, Santiago de Cuba
>>>.. Information for Development Agency, CITMA, Cuba
>>>.. Humboldt University, Germany
>>>.. University of Twente, The Netherlands
>>>.. National Council of Researchs, Italy
>>>.. Linguists Association of Cuba
>>>Papers and Posters will be discussed within the following
>>>1. Applied Linguistics:
>>>- Spanish and foreign languages teaching, translations,
>>> scientific terminology, sociolinguistics, psycholin-
>>> guistics, phonetics.
>>>2. Computational Linguistics:
>>> Software related to:
>>>- Lexicological, lexicographic and grammatical research.
>>>- The compilation of automated monolingual, bilingual and
>>> fraseological dictionaries.
>>>- Other uses of Computational Linguistics.
>>>3. Voice Processing:
>>>- Artificial intelligence applied to voice analysis,
>>> synthesis and recognition.
>>>- Voice-processing equipment. Their use in informatics,
>>> accoustic analysis and as aid for the hearing and sight
>>> impaired.
>>>- Voice-processing research related to "Cry Analysis".
>>>4. Medical specialities related to pathological processes which
>>>use speech and voice analysis:
>>>- Presentations on research results showing the effects of
>>> the use of words and communication for the treatment of
>>> various illnesses.
>>>- Interdisciplinary treatment of logophoniatric patients
>>> with vocal tract disorders.
>>>- Results of investigations related to diagnoses of Central
>>> Nervous System diseases through the Cry Analysis method.
>>>5. Mass Media:
>>>- Language in the mass media.
>>>6. Ethnology and Folklore:
>>>- Papers related to ethnology, folklore and other aspects
>>> of social communication.
>>>- Lexicological and Lexicographic research.
>>>- Computational Linguistics: Automatic tagging of
>>> textual corpora.
>>>Papers at workshops should be presented in 10 minutes.
>>>Scientific discussion will take place at the end of
>>>the workshop. At the papers there must be pointed out
>>>if they are meant for a workshop.
>>>At the Symposium there will be a Round Table on
>>>"New Technologies in the Mass Media. Their social impact."
>>>A summary under 250 words must be sent before July 1st, 1998.
>>>To enable us to deliver the Proceedings with the event
>>>documentation, accepted papers must be sent before
>>>September 1st, 1998, with the following requirements:
>>>1. Only 6 pages including graphics, notes and bibliography.
>>>2. Edited with Word 6.0 or Word 7.0 for Windows and
>>> sent through e-mail (attachment) and 3 1/2 " diskette.
>>>3. Each page must have 55 lines maximun in a A4 (mail type)
>>> format.
>>>1. Write down the authors' names, one under the other,
>>>at the left top of the first page, all in Arial bold
>>>capital letters, 10 points size (Word 6.0 or 7.0).
>>>Under the authors'names it should appear the institution,
>>>city and country where they belong in bold but only
>>>initial capital letters.
>>>2. In a separate line, at the center, the title of the
>>>paper must be written in Arial bold, cursive, 11 points
>>>size letters.
>>>3. The text will follow -not in bold- with the same Arial
>>>letter, 10 points size and leaving a space between lines.
>>>4. Notes will appear at the end of each page in Arial 9
>>>points size letters.
>>>Presentation time will be 15 minutes and 5 minutes for
>>>discussion. Authors must declare if they need a tape
>>>recorder, video set, computer or other kind of equipment.
>>>All mail or enquiries should be addressed to:
>>>Dr. Eloina Miyares Bermudez
>>>Secretaria Ejecutiva Comite Organizador
>>>Apartado Postal 4067, Vista Alegre
>>>Santiago de Cuba 4, Cuba 90400
>>>Telephones: (53-226) 42760 or (53-226) 41081
>>> Fax: (53-226) 41579
>>> E-mail: leonel[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
>>> Home page:
>>>OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: Spanish and English.
>>>Speakers and Delegates......130.00 USD
>>> Companions...... 70.00 USD
>>>Payment must be in cash during the registration.
>>>Santiago de Cuba has 4 and 5 Stars Hotels at the
>>>disposal of the participants who apply for them.
>>>The Organizing Committee will offer a special
>>>package with preferential prices.
>>>Santiago de Cuba, located at some 900 kms from Havana,
>>>is Cuba's second largest city due to its economic,
>>>cultural and social importance. Santiago is also the
>>>capital of the province with the same name. Surrounded
>>>by the green mountains of the Sierra Maestra range and the
>>>Caribbean Sea, Santiago is unique in its geography and
>>>beautiful landscape. Its surroundings make the city one
>>>of the most important touristic attractions on the entire
>>>island. The Organizing Committee, in coordination with the
>>>city's tourist agencies will offer visiting delegates
>>>a host of options allowing participants to enjoy the
>>>city's beauty and charm.
>>>.. July 1st, 1998
>>> Submission of summaries
>>>.. July 15th, 1998
>>> Information about the approval of the paper
>>>.. September 1th, 1998
>>> Deadline for paper reception by diskette
>>> and e-mail
>>>.. January 25th-28th 1999
>>> Sixth International Symposium
>>>President of Honor:
>>>Dr. Rosa Elena Simeon Negrin
>>>Minister of Science, Technology and
>>>Environment, Cuba
>>>Aida Almaguer Furnaguera - CITMA (*)
>>>Osvaldo Bebelagua C. - Information for Development
>>> Agency, CITMA
>>>Vitelio Ruiz Hernandez - Applied Linguistics Centre
>>>Eloina Miyares Bermudez - Applied Linguistics Centre
>>>Marcos Cortina V. - University of Oriente
>>>Nayra Pujals - Higher Institute for Medical
>>> Sciences
>>>Renate Siegmund - Humboldt University, Germany
>>>Kathleen Wermke - Humboldt University, Germany
>>>Anton Nijholt - University of Twente, The Netherlands
>>>Daniela Ratti - CNR (**), Italy
>>>Lucia Marconi - CNR, Italy
>>>Claudia Rolando - CNR, Italy
>>>Margarita Hernandez S. - CITMA
>>>Leonel Ruiz Miyares - Applied Linguistics Centre
>>>Nancy Alamo Suarez - Applied Linguistics Centre
>>>Gisela Cardenas Molina - Linguists Association of Cuba
>>>Humberto Ocan~a Dayar - Linguists Association of Cuba
>>>(*)CITMA- Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Cuba
>>>(**)CNR - National Council of Researchs, Italy
>>>Business address:
>>>City: __________________ Telefax: _______________ Phone:
>>>Home address:
>>>City: ___________________________ Telephone:
>>>Speaker _____ Participant ______ Companions ______
>>>Paper title: