Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 11:39:16 -0400
From: Jesse T Sheidlower
Subject: "concerning," adj.
About two years ago, someone wrote in a question to my
Word of the Day page at Random House asking about the
sentence "That nodule was very concerning to me,"
reportedly dictated by a doctor to a typist. OED has
_concerning_ ppl.a. in the sense 'that is of concern;
weighty' from 1649 but marked archaic, and in the sense
'causing anxiety or distress; worrisome' (the sense
used here) with a single example from Richardson in
I responded that the use seemed quite unidiomatic, and
forgot all about it.
In the last few months I've recorded several more
examples of this:
1997 [exchange between author and book publicist, 23
Dec.:] "I haven't been able to find a copy in a bookstore."
"That's very concerning."
1998 N.Y. Times (June 13) A6: It's concerning because not
only did he determine that the interviews in the case
were improper, he determined that the children could not
1998 N.Y. doctor, age ca35-40 (17 June): It's only if you
had an uneven pulse, or really strong palpitations, that
it would be more concerning.
By now I'm not even sure that it sounds unusual, but
I'll chalk that up to heightened sensitivity to the
usage. Has anyone else noticed this use, or an increase
in its frequency? Jim, does Merriam have anything useful
on this?
Thanks for any input.
Jesse Sheidlower
Random House