Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 13:30:01 -0700
From: "A. Maberry"
Subject: Re: Long story on Melungeons
Very interesting article. The Turkish "me'l^un c^ani" means literally
"accursed soul" (sg.). The Arabic cited is somewhat unclear "ma'lun jinn"
or "ma'lun jann" seems to be an attempt to say "accursed (sg.) demons, (or
evil spirits or genies)(pl.)". I think it is somewhat ungrammatical in
that a) it is a case of a singular adjective modifying a plural noun and
b) adjectives follow the nouns they modify. Therefore one would
expect "jinn ma'lunah" the adjective being feminine because plurals are
treated as feminine (an only and rare exception in which the adj. is not
fem. is a constructio ad sensum e.g "rijal mu'minun" men(pl.) believing(m.
pl.) = "believing men". Also since the Turkish connection would have dated
to Ottoman times, not modern, one would have to look not at the modern one
but the Ottoman one, which could have easily been the Persian-like
construction "c^an-i me'l^un". There may be a lot of reasons for tracing
the Melungeons to some place in the Near East, but IMHO the linguistic
evidence is kind of weak and raises a lot of questions.
Does anyone have any references to works tracing the parallels between
American Indian and Turkish words mentioned in the article?
On Thu, 18 Jun 1998, Bethany K. Dumas wrote:
> The Knoxville News-Sentinel has a long story on Melungeons in today's
> edtion:
> Bethany