Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 10:58:39 -0400
From: "Bethany K. Dumas"
Subject: Metro Diary Instruction Manual (was Re: RE>bogus anecdotes)

Hey, Grant -- you go girl! Love your instruction manual!

FWIW, the Diary beats the heck out of the local attempts at humor. Most
recent attempt of the Daily Beacon was "Best of Crime Log," a
compilation of the most "amusing" crime reports from the campus from
the last year. Ex:

Tuesday, April 28
*11:25 p.m. KPD requested backup on a vandalism in progress at the
Kingston Apartments G9 parking area.

Wednesday, April 29
*12:09 a.m. Officer advised that he was transporting the subject
involved in the vandalism of his own vehicle at the Kingston
Apartments to detox.

(This is the same Daily Beacon which once made it into the columns of New
Yorker Magazine for the ff. sentence: "The semester is not a universal

Bethany, wondering if Metro Diary is a genre that should now be introduced
into sophomore lit courses