Date: Tue, 19 Apr 1994 22:46:25 -0700
Subject: Survey request re length
Before the semester grinds to a close, it occurred to me that it might be
useful to ask those who are teaching phonetic/phonemic-savvy classes to do
a quick-and-dirty survey to have students write down how they pronounce
length and strength , and report the tally of the results on ADS-L. It
might help establish some picture of current regional distribution.
Also, I'm working on a paper on the meanings of Dutch oven , and would
like to get some samplings from other areas, since my database is primarily
Texas. Of interest is what it is made of, where it is found, how it is used,
what it looks like, and details of shape. (To say more is a giveaway.) It
can generate lively interest in classes where there are different answers
(it may be useful to collect spontaneous answers on the spot, and then give
students time to ask someone else, especially a parent, about it, and collect
the second-hand information as well). Actually equally of interest, though
for a different reason, are the responses of students who don't know what it
is but guess on the basis of the name. The paper will be titled, appropriately
"What is a Dutch Oven?", and I'll probably give it at an ADS meeting. Meanwhile
any contributions (including percentages) are welcome. Incidentally, it is
often useful to ask people to draw a sketch if they can. Many thanks,
--Rudy Troike (rtroike[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]