Date: Sat, 1 Apr 1995 08:44:56 -0600

From: Anne Baldwin abaldwin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PO-1.STAR.K12.IA.US

Subject: Re: boston coolers

Re Rootbeer and ice cream:

We called that drink a purple cow

In Chicago in the late 40s and early 50s a mixture of vanilla ice cream and

root beer was called a black cow. Ice cream with grape soda was called a

purple cow. I don't recall any name for ice cream and gingere ale. I

believe we might have called it an ice cream float. An ice cream soda was a

mixture of ice cream, seltzer water and a chocolate or fruit syrup. We made

black cows at home from store bought ingredients, but I never had an ice

cream soda except in ice cream parlors or soda fountains which, in those

days, could be found in any drugstore, usually near the entrance. My

favorite ice cream sodas were strawberry because for some reason the syrup

contained pieces of mashed strawberry. They sometimes clogged the straw,

but when you sucked hard enough you'd be rewarded with a little morse of

pure strawberry, to be washed down by the flood of soda that followed.


Robert F. Baldwin, 515/284-8920

Freelance Articles Member, ASJA
