End of ADS-L Digest - 4 Apr 1995 to 5 Apr 1995
There are 23 messages totalling 551 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. with a name like ADS-L, it had better be interesting
2. needs + washed
3. Harassment pron
4. Sluggish Listserv
5. Bounced Mail
6. definition/variation request: Anglepoise lamps
7. Harassment (3)
8. "the royal I" ??????????? (3)
9. P of W's English
10. churros
11. Ambrosia!
12. names to nouns
13. Ambrosia? (2)
14. zinc (2)
15. harassment
16. Cigarette brands. Help, please!
17. s'mores, smoores, semurs