End of ADS-L Digest - 5 Apr 1995 to 6 Apr 1995
There are 42 messages totalling 940 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Ambrosia! (2)
2. needs + present participle (10)
3. Joking Names for Airlines (3)
4. Harassment (5)
5. names to nouns
6. Cigarette brands. Help, please! (2)
7. joking names for Airlines (2)
8. Ambrosia? (2)
9. Pinto Beans (4)
10. "the royal I" ??????????? (2)
11. Southern Shuft (3)
12. zinc
13. Scots influence
14. the Royal I
15. Royal I
16. corporations and dilbert (2)