Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 07:25:22 -0500
From: "Timothy C. Frazer" mftcf[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UXA.ECN.BGU.EDU
Subject: Re: Allen Walker Read
Adding to John Algeo's note about Allen Walker Read:
The North Central Names Institute published a festschrift in 1987;
edited by Larry Seits, it has a selected bibiliography and two
biographical pieces, one by E. Wallace McMullen and one by Henry Truby.
(Of course, a complete bibl. of Allen's work would probably fill a volume.)
Allen's most famous piece of work was perhaps "The Evidence on OK" which
appeared in the Saturday Review on July 19 1941. H. L. Mencken called
wrote on the New Yorker (1948) that "Allen Walker Read. . .probably knows
more about early Americanisms than anyone else on earth."
Mencken himself inspired one of Allen's earliest pieces, a University of
Iowa master's thesis on Iowa place names (1926).
Tim Frazer