Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 05:28:36 -0500
From: Natalie Maynor maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]RA.MSSTATE.EDU
Subject: Re: Interesting Free Offer...........
back to the original poster it comes back as undeliverable. Anyone out
there know how we can put a stop to this?
(1) We can change the name of the list to something that doesn't start
with an A. Listserv's spam-filter works pretty well, but the problem is
that it works by noticing that the same posting has been sent to X number
of lists (I can't remember exactly what X is, although I've known). It
then starts grabbing the junk mail and sending it to listowners instead
of to lists. That way a listowner can see whether it really is spam.
Almost every piece of spam that shows up on ADS-L has been caught by
the filter long before it gets to Words-L. That's because the spam-filter
works in alphabetical order. Both instances of this weekend's spam were
posted on ADS-L but were bounced to my mailbox as listowner instead of
showing up on Words-L. Since I read personal mail before list mail, I
can usually be pretty sure when I'm going to find spam in the ADS-L mail.
That's because I've already seen a copy of it bounced from Words-L.
(2) We can change the list from 'send=public' to 'send=private'. That
means that only subscribers can post. A dedicated spammer could, of
course, subscribe to the list for long enough to send the spam, but that
probably wouldn't happen very often. If we do change ADS-L to postings
from subscribers only, however, people will have to be careful to send
list mail from exactly the same address they subscribed from.
Although neither is ideal, I would say that (2) would probably be a
better choice than (1). Let me know if y'all want me to make the change.
--Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]