Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 09:55:46 -0600
From: Cynthia Bernstein bernscy[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MAIL.AUBURN.EDU
Subject: Re: Query
A couple essays in _Language Variety in the South Revisited_ (coming out
in a couple months from The University of Alabama Press) concern literary
representations of AAE. In "An Early Representation of African-American
English," Marianne Cooley (Univ. of Houston) discusses features of AAE
represented in productions of _The Padlock_ in the late 18th and early
19th centuries. Katherine Wyly Mille (U of North Carolina, Greensboro)
writes about Ambrose Gonzales's Gullah.
Cynthia Bernstein
On Tue, 1 Apr 1997, Joseph C. Salmons wrote:
A grad student in our department (Cordelia Scharpf) is starting to work on
some fiction written here and abroad in German by Mathilde Franziska Anneke,
an abolitionist and early feminist leader. Much of the work deals with
slavery. Anneke's representation of African-American speech owes much to
English literary works of the time, but contains other elements as well.
Some of these are Anglicisms, some stereotypical foreign talk and so on.
Can anybody recommend good recent work on the representation of African-
American speech in 19th c. literature? Has anything at all been done on
this topic using literature in languages other than English?
joe salmons