Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 12:45:11 +0900
Subject: Re: hypercorrect intervocalic /t/
In my native (West Tennessee) dialect we can keep at least some of our
intervocalic /t/s and /d/s straight by splitting a phoneme. So we can
tell if someone is talking about a /rAId[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]r/ who pens books, and a
/rAd[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]r/ who straddles a horse or a motorcycle. (I hope my keyboard
phonetics are close enough that you can figure them out.)
This is the source of confusion when we deal with speakers from farther
north who use the diphthong for both, or from farther south who use the
monophthong for both.
By the way, it isn't a /t/ problem, but there is hypercorrection in a
Platter*s song where they "restore" word-final /nd/ consonant clusters
that weren't consonant clusters in the first place. It's in "Only
You". The line goes "only you cand make (etc., etc.)"
Danny Long
(Dr.) Daniel Long, Associate Professor
Japanese Language Research Center
Osaka Shoin Women's College
4-2-26 Hishiyanishi
Higashi-Osaka-shi, Osaka Japan 577
tel and fax +81-6-729-1831
email dlong[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]