From: Automatic digest processor (5/2/98)
To: Recipients of ADS-L digests

ADS-L Digest - 30 Apr 1998 to 1 May 1998 98-05-02 00:00:34
There are 7 messages totalling 295 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

1. Paralegal (Shapiro, 1970)
2. New Yorker
4. NWAV(E) 27 Call for Papers
5. paralegal (2)
6. Hello! Hello!


Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 01:10:58 EDT
From: Bapopik
Subject: Re: Paralegal (Shapiro, 1970)

I checked another database and found these:

GENERAL PARALEGAL SKILLS (1969), serial by the Professional Development
Program of the State Bar of Texas.

LAW OFFICE USE OF PARALEGAL PERSONNEL (1970) by the Continuing Legal Education
Division of the South Carolina Bar Association.

NEW CAREERS IN LAW, II, CONFERENCE REPORT (1972), Conference on Paralegals in
the United States (1971, University of Denver), by the Special Committee on
Legal Assistants of the American Bar Association.
The "notes" on the computer entry include: "Report on a survey of
paralegal training in the United States...begun and concluded by the
administration of justice program of the University of Denver College of Law
in 1970."

(Sorry for "an Philadelphia lawyer." It was "an attorney" until changed in