Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 10:04:45 -0400
From: "William A. Kretzschmar"
Subject: NWAV(E) 27 Call for Papers
I thought the following might be of interest to many on the list.
Regards, Bill
Bill Kretzschmar Phone: 706-542-5099
Director, Linguistics Program FAX: 706-542-2897
317 Park Hall Internet: billk[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
University of Georgia Atlas Phone: 706-542-2246
Athens, GA 30602-6205 Atlas Web Page:
Initial Call for Papers
NWAV(E) 27 New Ways of Analyzing Variation (in English and other languages)
NWAV(E) 27 will be held Oct. 1-4, 1998, in Athens, GA, at the Georgia
Center for Continuing Education of the University of Georgia. Plenary
speakers will include William Labov and Salikoko Mufwene, and the program
will include both workshops and separate papers according to standard
practice for the meeting. There will also be a poster session.
In the two days preceding NWAV(E) 27, September 29 and 30, there will be a
state-of-the-art conference on African American Vernacular English, hosted
by Professor Sonja Lanehart, called "Sociocultural and Historical Contexts
of African American Vernacular English". This meeting will feature
invited presentations by 14 leading scholars in the field.
Abstracts are invited in all areas of language variation studies, both
synchronic and diachronic, for both 20-minute presentations and for
posters. Abstracts will be refereed anonymously. The abstract deadline is
June 15, 1998; notification is expected by August 1. International
participants who require certification of participation at an earlier
date, to apply for travel funding, should contact the organizers as soon
as possible.
Abstracts should be submitted in two parts. The first part should include
the full title and the abstract text of no more than 500 words including
bibliography (i.e. to fit on a single page in appropriate format). The
author's name(s) should not appear in the text of the abstract or title.
The second part should give the full title of the submission and the
author's name(s), with address, e-mail, fax, and phone numbers. Please
indicate whether you wish your abstract to be considered for presentation,
for a poster, or for either.
Abstracts may be submitted by e-mail (preferred) as an ASCII message
containing both parts of the abstract (no attachments, please).
Alternatively, authors may send a fully formatted hard copy of the
abstract (six copies of the abstract, and one copy of the separate
identification page), plus a diskette containing the text file, to the
organizers via regular mail.
Send e-mail abstracts to: nwave27[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Send regular mail abstracts to: Bill Kretzschmar, NWAV(E) 27, Linguistics
Program, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-6205. If your mail
service requires a building name or street name, add "Park Hall, Baldwin
Street" to the address.
A Web site for NWAV(E) 27 has been established at Additional information will
posted there as it becomes available.