Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 09:27:00 +0000
From: Victoria Neufeldt
Subject: Re: Reply-to issue, tech notes
This "reply to" issue seems to be getting more confusing all the
time. I confess that I don't yet understand a whole lot of the technical
explanation in Andrea Vine's message. But I seem to have solved the
problem for myself, at least: I discovered (accidentally, like most
of what I've learned about computers, I think!) that the "Special"
button to the left of the Reply window allows me to specify an
address other than my own for replies to a message I send. Clicking
on this button brings up "Advanced addressing and formatting" and I
can enter the ADS-L address in the "Send replies to" field.
So, for the message I'm writing right now, I first changed Andrea Vine's
address, which originally appeared in the "To" field of the "Reply"
window, to the ADS-L address. Then when I've completed my message, I
will click on the "Special" button and put the ADS-L address in the
"Send replies to" field I find there, so that when my message appears in the
mailboxes of List subscribers, you will all see "Reply to ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] . ."
instead of "Reply to vneufeldt . . ." -- I sincerely hope. Without
that "Special" change, my own e-mail address seems to be
automatically placed in that field. Incidentally, I also discovered
that clicking on the "Editor" button at the top to the left of the
window brings me back to the "Reply" window. NONE of these button
labels, by the way, strike me as being at all obvious for the new
user (except for "Send" and "Cancel"!).
We have Pegasus Mail here at Merriam-Webster. Other systems may be
different. But I hope the above helps.
Victoria Neufeldt
> Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 11:01:42 -0700
> Reply-to: Andrea Vine
> From: Andrea Vine
> Subject: Reply-to issue, tech notes
> Ross et al, <-- who is this "Al", anyway?
> I don't think there is much that can be done about which address gets
> automatically put into the "To" field when you choose "Reply" (or a similar
> command) in your email software.
> Email client software, which is the software you use to retrieve, manage, and
> compose your email, varies quite a bit. There are several variations which
> could be involved in the "Reply-to" inconsistency. It is connected to the
> that there are several headers relating to the originating address which
> be attached to a message. The 3 most likely are "From", "Sender", and
> "Reply-To". The standard allows for all 3 to be used, though it isn't the
> preferred configuration.
> When the list repackages and forwards submitted messages, it probably is
> including the full complement of generated headers, perhaps slightly altered
> adding the word "Resent-" at the beginning of the header name. The person
> receives the repackaged message may then want to reply. Upon clicking the
> "Reply" button, the email client now has several addresses to choose from.
> Since it is never certain which headers will come with a message, the client
> software will probably choose the address for the "To" field based on a
> hierarchy of headers. Since the presence of these headers varies, sometimes
> will choose the list and sometimes it will choose the individual who mailed
> the list.
> All of this is mostly automated - user choice of headers is usually limited
> "From", "Reply-To", "To", "Cc", "Bcc", and "Subject" (and very occasionally,
> "Sender"). Most folks don't even have a "Reply-To" header option; either
> software generates the header or it doesn't.
> So the workaround is to use human eyes to check the "To" field and verify
> this is indeed the intended recipient. Or for some folks, "Reply to all" may
> add the list in with the individual address.
> Andrea Vine
> Sun Internet Mail Server i18n
> }}Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 14:31:28 +1000
> }}From: Ross Chambers
> }}Subject: Fwd Re A raft of... reply functions?
> }}Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
> snip
> }}
> }}The above was probably meant for the list-at-large, and I forward it.
> }}
> }}This "reply to" option is surely a protocol set up by the list server--I
> }}really can't see what control I have over it. My inquiry to the (human)
> }}ADS list operator re my last little [=20] suffix on each line problem
> }}was ignored, perhaps someone with more patience than I would like to
> }}nail this one.
> }}
> }}Kind regards - Ross Chambers
> }}--
> }}
> }}xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> }}
> }}Ross Chambers Sydney Australia
> }}maelduin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]