Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 13:10:06 -0400
From: Beverly Flanigan
Subject: Re: pron question
Another similar word is 'accidentally,' which I increasingly see spelled
'accidently'--and why not?
At 08:41 AM 4/21/98 -0400, you wrote:
>At 12:54 AM -0700 4/21/98, Kim & Rima McKinzey wrote:
>>Would any of you care to give me your opinion in an informal survey re the
>>pronunciation of adverbial -ically? This would be in words like
>>authentically, historically, optimistically, etc.
>>Specifically (right), do you pronounce a schwa between the k and the lee?
>>(I know, I'm not getting into IPA forms, but most e-mail programs don't
>>support the fonts.)
>No, neither I nor my neighbors pronounce a schwa there, and evidence from
>misspellings by my students and my kids suggests that -icly would be a more
>accurate rendering than the traditionally sanctioned -ically. (This
>from south-central Connecticut, but as I recall the situation in
>south-central Wisconsin and northern and southern California was similar.)