Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 10:25:02 +0900
From: Gao Yongwei <951208[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]FUDAN.EDU.CN>
Subject: Swallows & Amazons (for ever)
Dear all,
I have two questions:
1. What does the expression "swallows and amazons (for ever)" mean? I
came across the term in a COBUILD dictionary, but I failed to catch
its meaning. Can anyone help?
2. English is regarded as THE foreign language in China. It is used a ;pt
lot and learned by millions. Hence Chinglish arrived on the scene. The
catch-all phrase emcompasses misused expressions, wrong collocation and
Chinese English, etc. For instance, "...percent of state-run enterprises
are at a loss", which is culled from the first press interview of China's
new cabinet. Should "at a loss" be replaced by "losing money"? Is
"money-making" a better choice than "loss-making" in this context?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Yongwei Gao
Fudan University
Shanghai, China