Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:12:05 -0500
From: Jeanelle Barrett
Subject: 3rd Humor Studies Seminar

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Seminar Announcement

The third International Humor Studies Seminar will be held at the
University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) from July 6 until July 18, 1998.
This year's Seminar features two one-week sessions: Humor Studies
(July 6-11) and Humor and Health (July 13-18).

The first session, Humor Studies, features The Interpretation of Humor:
A Socio-Cultural Approach, taught by Elliott Oring of California State
University at Los Angeles, and Humor and its Audience(s), taught by
Amy Carrell of the University of Central Oklahoma.

The second session, Humor and Health, features Overcoming the
Pinnochio Complex, taught by clinical psychologist Michael Titze of
Tuttlingen, Germany, and The Step Beyond Theory: Developing Skills to
Make Humor Relevant in Personal, Interpersonal, and Organizational
Settings, taught by clinical psychologist Waleed A. Salameh of San Diego,

Classes will meet from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. on weekdays and from
9:00 a.m. until noon on Saturday.

Academic credit at both the undergraduate and graduate levels is
available for each session students admissible to UCO. Upon successful
completion of the Seminar, participants will receive a certificate of
endorsement from the Seminar Director and the International Society for
Humor Studies.

UCO is located in Edmond, OK, on the outskirts of Oklahoma City, and is
serviced by Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City. UCO enrolls
approximately 15,500 students and is the third largest four-year institution
of higher education in the state.

The Seminar is endorsed by the International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS).

For more information, please contact

Amy Carrell, Seminar Director
Department of English
University of Central Oklahoma
100 N. University Drive
Edmond, OK 73034-0184 USA
(405) 341-2980, ext. 5609
fax: (405) 330-3823

Jeanelle Barrett barrettj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Editorial Assistant, HUMOR (765) 494-3747
Department of English (765) 494-3780 fax
324 Heavilon Hall
Purdue University
W. Lafayette, IN 47907-1356 USA