Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 10:47:36 +1000
From: Ross Chambers
Subject: Chaises Longues and US catch phrases abroad
>From the Sydney Morning Herald April 2, 1998:
"A chaise longue by any other name...
"The chaise longue is a symbol of elegant repose, lending grace and =
charm to drawing rooms and bedrooms through the years. Many women, both =
famous and unknown, have been painted reclining on a chaise longue.
"Strictly speaking, a chaise longue is a kind of elongated seat or =
couch, which usually has only one end and no back. It means 'long =
"But time has blurred the rules. Some sofas and settees are referred to =
as chaises longues." etc.
How nice it is to live in a country which still speaks English ! :-)
"cool beans" heard in New Zealand in 1997, spoken by visiting San =
Franciscan, who was also given to "Go, Bears!" (I assume a football team =
rallying cry?) and calling his work comrades "Mr Potato-head"--none of =
the above stuck to the local vocabulary, and neither was he to be =
persuaded, during a 5 month residency, that the 'Z' in 'NZ' was =
pronounced 'zed', not 'zee' --altogether an unsuccessful cultural =
Kind regards - Ross Chambers
-- =
Ross Chambers Sydney Australia =
"L'Australia non =E8 solo agli antipodi, =E8 lontana da tutto, =
talora anche da sa stessa."
(Australia is not only at the Antipodes, she is away from everything, =
sometimes even from herself)
Umberto Eco