End of ADS-L Digest - 5 Apr 1994 to 6 Apr 1994 ********************************************** There are 2 messages totalling 50 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. SECOL Question 2. Language on America Online ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 06:48:47 -0500 From: Natalie Maynor Subject: SECOL Question Sorry to clutter the list with a question of this kind, but it struck me as the best way to get an answer fast. I'm leaving for Memphis this morning and suddenly don't know where it is I'm going when I get there. I've been assuming all along that the hotel is downtown -- I thought I knew almost exactly where it was. But suddenly I read this in the SECOL Newsletter: "Accommodations are available at the Holiday Crowne Plaza, located within walking distance of Memphis State." Unless my memory of Memphis is very much distorted, something that is within walking distance of Memphis State is *not* downtown. Can any of you give me a clue about where I should go when I get to Memphis around noon today? Thanks. --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ra.msstate.edu)