End of ADS-L Digest - 7 Apr 1994 to 10 Apr 1994 *********************************************** There is one message totalling 40 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Janus Syndrome ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 19:40:40 -0400 From: Mike Agnes Subject: Janus Syndrome T'Other Side of the Coin Department: Having followed with interest the recent discussion of personal stigmatization by dialect association (l'affaire Cokie), I now find the April 1 issue of the TLS testifying to a curious sort of mirror-image attitude. In it we have Adam Mars-Jones's review of James Kelman's "How Late It Was, How Late," a work apparently narrated in (or at least heavily laden with) Glaswegian speech forms. M-J in no way condemns the dialect and remarks on the authenticity of the language. The unexpected (to me) twist lies in the following: "Too much of the book is only kept by the prestige of dialect from sounding like banality . . . ." [author's word order; where ARE the TLS's editors?] I take this as a claim that readers tend uncritically to accept as "worthy," "insightful," or what have you, an idea or observation earnestly presented in print in non-standard dialect. Does this mean that if one's language is "racy with the soil" (to steal Padraig Colum's phrase), one will be damned or praised depending on whether the words are spoken or written? A curious brace of linguistic prejudices (if it indeed exists). -- Mike Agnes Internet: by971[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]cleveland.freenet.edu Bitnet: by971%cleveland.freenet.edu[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]cunyvm Fax: 216 579 1255