Date: Wed, 13 Apr 1994 17:02:56 -0500 From: "Bethany Dumas, UTK" Subject: Ink Pen Re "ink pen": I have no evidence about motivation (what a good research question!), but my experience (in East Texas, Arkansas (all parts), Tennessee) is that "ink pen" is used by a subset of speakers for whom "pen" and "pin" are homophonous. I do not think I ever heard the term homophonous. I do not think I ever heard the term "ink pen" before I moved to Knoxville. The first time I recall hearing it here was memorable. I was in the Computing Center, seeking the assistance of a student clerk on duty. I thought it extremely ironic that she used the term "ink pen" in her reply to me in the most technologically advanced building on the campus. I hear the term frequently--it is in constant use on this campus.