Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 17:15:25 -0500 From: Natalie Maynor Subject: Call for Papers -- APLA __________________________________________________________ PLEASE POST CALL FOR PAPERS The Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association (APLA) will hold its 18th Annual Meeting at the Saint John Campus of the University of New Brunswick-Saint John, on OCTOBER 28-29, 1994. The theme of the conference is: MICRO-PARAMETRIC SYNTAX (DIALECT VARIATION IN SYNTAX) The conference program has three sections: 1. a section on the conference theme 2. a section open to linguistic topics of each scholar's choice 3. a section for students' papers in linguistics The key-note speakers: Richard S. KAYNE (CUNY) Monique LEMIEUX (UQAM) Contributions, in English or French, to any of the sections are welcome. Abstracts, no longer than one (1) page, should be sent to the Organizing Committee before August 15, 1994. Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to participate. We will offer limited financial assistance towards the cost of travel or accommodation. Conference participants must be members of ALPA/APLA. Non-members who wish to participate may join by paying the membership fee (CAN$15) as well as the conference registration fee (CAN$25) on arrival at the conference, or by sending payment to the APLA/ALPA Treasurer with the attached form. Conference participants can have their papers published in the conference proceedings if they provide a camera-ready copy on paper or disc. In addition, papers on the conference theme may be submitted to an editorial committee with a view to refereed publication by John Benjamins in a separate volume. The Organizing Committee Address: Virginia Motapanyane University of New Brunswick Virginia Motapanyane P.O.Box 5050 David Jory Saint John, NB Suzanne Pons-Ridler Canada E2L 4L5 Louis Belanger e-mail: MOTA[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UNBSJ.CA MEMBERSHIP FORM: ATLANTIC PROVINCES LINGUISTIC ASSOCIATION/ ASSOCIATION DE LINGUISTIQUE DES PROVINCES ATLANTIQUES The Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association was founded in 1977 to promote the study of languages and linguistics in Eastern Canada. The Association hosts an annual conference each fall at a centre of higher education in the area and publishes the papers presented. Topics cover many areas of linguistics. In addition, the Association publishes a (refereed) journal annually. We welcome inquiries converning the Association and its conference. We hope you will join by completing the form below. Membership entitles you to a copy of the proceedings from the annual meeting, the newsletter, and the journal all for the annual subscription of $15 per annum. We consider this to be one of the best bargains in the scholarly world. ----------------------------- Name........................................................ Address..................................................... Annual dues $15 $10 for students Send to: Dr. A. Steinbergs / e-mail: astein[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Treasurer, APLA Department of Linguistics Memorial University of Newfoundland St.John's, Newfoundland Canada A1B 3X9 Inquiries concerning the 1994 conference may be addressed to: Dr. Virginia Motapanyane / e-mail: mota[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] APLA 18 Organizing Committee Department of Humanities and Languages University of New Brunswick Saint John, New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L5 Inquiries concerning the journal, Linguistica Atlantica, may be addressed to: Dr. Jim Black / e-mail: jblack[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Editor, Linguistica Atlantica Department of Linguistics Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, Newfoundland Canada A1B 3X9 Manuscripts may also be submitted to the editor at the above address.