Date: Sun, 17 Apr 1994 13:38:35 -0500 From: Christina E Ogburn Subject: Re: ink pen, basement I have lived in Delaware and Alabama and I have never used the term "ink pen," however, I have heard older (70's and up) people from Alabama use it. Also, in both places we (the students) asked whether assignments should be "in ink." As for basement, I have always used it to mean the storage area under the house. Although I use that term, I rarely use it because most houses in Alabama do not have basements. When I lived in Delaware, most of the houses did. On Sun, 17 Apr 1994, David A. Johns wrote: > [Natalie Maynor ] > > # This discussion of "ink pen," a term I tend to associate with my > # elementary school days long ago (early '50s), has reminded me of > # the use of "basement" for a school restroom. Was that term used > # all over the U.S., or was it Southern? Presumably it got started > # from having restrooms in basements, but the term was used in my > # generation when restrooms were not in basements. > # --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] > > "Can I go to the basement?" was the normal request when I was in > school in the 50s, in western Massachusetts. In my elementary school > -- um, grammar school -- the bathrooms *were* in the basement. In > high school they weren't, but I'm sure we still used the same word. > > [THOMAS L CLARK ] > > # I recall using ball-point as an adolescent (from [AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] seventh > # grade), but am pretty sure I never used "fountain" for fountain > # pen. After about the sixth grade, we weren't allowed to have > # fountain pens (1947 or 48). WWII had pretty much made the > # ball-point ubiquitous. This was in Montana. > # Cheers, > # tlc[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] > > Interesting. In my high school, ten years later, we still weren't > allowed to use ballpoints at all. It was probably the doing of the > local clothing merchants, who got to replace all the shirts ruined by > leaking fountain pens. > > Also on INK PEN: I have yet to hear that term here in South > Georgia, even though it is definitely "pin = pen" territory. I get > lots of misspellings like SENSE for SINCE, and my favorite, I'D GO TO > ANY LINKS TO ..." > > In determining rules for in-class compositions, my students always > seem to ask whether they should write IN INK or IN PENCIL. > > David Johns > Waycross College > Waycross, GA >