Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 20:09:07 -0600 From: "Garland D. Bills" Subject: Re: Southern Shuft On Fri, 7 Apr 1995, Wayne Glowka wrote: > I will defer to a professional, but I'd say the opposite is true in Central > Georgia. > > BIT sounds like [bixt] x = schwa > BET sounds like [bext] > BEET sounds like [bxit] > BAIT sounds like [b[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]eit] or [baeit] > Full of [bxinz], It will be noted that Wayne's examples support exactly what D[ix]nis (that is, Labov) was saying. The syllabic nuclei of the first two are peripheral (tense) and therefore rising. The nuclei of the last three are non-peripheral (lax) and therefore falling. Garland D. Bills E-mail: gbills[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Department of Linguistics Tel.: (505) 277-7416 University of New Mexico FAX: (505) 277-6355 Albuquerque, NM 87131-1196 USA