End of ADS-L Digest - 11 Apr 1995 to 12 Apr 1995 ************************************************ There are 8 messages totalling 235 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Peggy (3) 2. Announcement--10th Annual Tamony Lecture 3. Death Cigarettes 4. Robert/Bob 5. Southern Shuft 6. Neutralized I E ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 02:13:31 -0500 From: Leo Horishny Subject: Re: Peggy Margaret--[trunc.]-->Meg-->Peg--[dimin.]-->Peggy As in Mary-->Molly-->Polly There seems to be a tendency for stops to replace nasals (as above) or liquids (as in Richard-->Dick, Robert-->Bob) or of course fricatives (Theodore-->Ted) in this process of hypocoristicism... Best, Laurence-->Larry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Ok, I can buy that, but having only a very rudimentary background in linguistics, all you have explained to me is the HOW of my question. I'm being picky, but I'm interested too in the WHY! What is the cause of the P stop having been chosen for this evolution versus a D or a B? I'm looking for the story behind how this change happened. I know it's there somewhere, and that's what I'm interested in finding out. ;-) Whence did this change occur? What ethnic pool did this happen in? Was there a specific person that prompted this change indirectly? I guess I'm looking for the SOCIO-linguistic response to my query! leo_horishny[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]pol.com Leo--->Leo--->Leo