Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 16:58:23 -0700 From: Gail Stygall Subject: Re: Inclusive Language Tim (and Bethany): I've just come off a quarter of teaching Language and Gender. On the issue of inclusive language, I still think the Francine Frank and Paula Treichler _Language, Gender, and Professional Language_ (MLA, 1989) is the most thorough treatment of common problems and solutions. But see also Erlich, Susan and Ruth King. "Feminist Meanings and Sexist Speech Communities." _Proceedings of 2nd Berkeley Women & Lang. Conf. Eds. Kira Hall, Mary Bucholtz, and Birch Moonwoman. Berkeley: Women & Lang. Group, U of California, 1992. 100-107. Greene, Kathryn and Donald L. Rubin. "Effects of Gender Inclusive/ Exclusive Language in Religious Discourse." _Journal of Language and Social Psychology_ 10.2 (1991): 81-98. Miller, Casey and Kate Swift. _The Handbook of Nonsexist Writing_. 2nd ed. (NY: Harper, 1988). Mitchell, Felicia. "College English Handbooks and Pronomial Usage Guidelines: Mixed Reactions to Nonsexist Language." _Women and Language_ 15 (1992): 37-42. Rubin, Donald L., Kathryn Greene, and Deidra Schneider. "Adopting Gender-Inclusive Language Reforms: Diachronic and Synchronic Variation." _Journal of Language and Social Psychology_ 13.2 (1994): 91-114. And Deborah Cameron's revised edition of _Feminism and Linguistic Theory_ (2nd ed., NY: St. Martin's, 1990) has some discussion of the "politics" of insisting on inclusive language. I would be interested in knowing of other citations on the subject, as I will teach the course again next spring. Gail _______________________________________________________________________________ Gail Stygall stygall[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] English, GN-30 (206) 685-2384 University of Washington Seattle WA 98195