Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 08:27:58 -0400 From: "H. Stephen Straight (Binghamton U, SUNY)" Subject: Re: Why I too have voiceless /W/ in interrogative _why_ and voiced /w/ in exclamatory _why_, though I didn't realize it till after reading Dennis Preston's recent posting. Yeah, it is funny. H STEPHEN STRAIGHT, Assoc Prof of Anthro & of Ling, Binghamton Univ (SUNY) Director: Grad Studies in Anthro, Prog in Ling, and Lgs Across the Curric H. Stephen Straight - Linguistic Biodata Born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, 15 May 1943. Childhood caregivers all college English teachers (egad!). Early years (age 2-10) in downstate Illinois (Lincoln). Critical years (10-18) in Chicago (Hyde Park, 10-14) and Oak Park (14-18), Illinois--summers in Ann Arbor. College in Ann Arbor (18-22)--UMich BA in English & American Literature. Graduate school in Chicago (22-27)--UChgo MA and PhD in linguistics. Ever since (age 27- ) in upstate New York (Binghamton) --professing linguistics and anthropology.