Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 10:00:56 -0400 From: "William A. Kretzschmar, Jr." Subject: Why, and how we transcribe it I notice in the discussion of "why" that some people claim the initial sound as two segments and the contrast as [hw-] vs. [w], and others (as Labov in *Prin. of LC*) as one segment with the contrast between voiced and unvoiced consonant, [w] vs. ["turned" w]. I myself had never thought of this as a voiced/unvoiced contrast because I always thought that the /w/ was +voice, whether or not an initial aspirate was present. Is there acoustic or other evidence to support one side or the other? Or is the difference in notation simply a residue of the segmental-phonology wars of the 50s and 60s. Regards, Bill ****************************************************************************** Bill Kretzschmar Phone: 706-542-2246 Dept. of English FAX: 706-542-2181 University of Georgia Internet: billk[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Athens, GA 30602-6205 Bitnet: wakjengl[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]uga