Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 12:53:24 -0500 From: Grant Barrett Subject: Re: Anodyne Expletives Reply to: RE>>Anodyne Expletives This will reveal a bit about me, but the only time I've heard most of these was when I listened to old radio shows--as reruns in the 80s. Marion Jordan, who played Molly McGee on the Fibber McGee and Molly show used to say "heavenly days" and Jim Jordan, who played Fibber, was always spouting off with some clever curse, usually alliterative, that evoked the anger and frustration of the one-word, four-letter variety. Wish I could remember a few. -------------------------------------- Date: 4/26/95 7:10 AM To: Grant Barrett From: American Dialect Society I stand corrected on my earlier comments on "Mother of Pearl" - a colleague has just jogged my mind back to reality when he said that expression was one of W. C. Fields' "sanitized" movie curses (w. Godfrey Daniel & Shivering Shinola). I am now fairly sure that is where I picked it up originally, or from an old newsroom colleague of mine who knew ever line Fields ever uttered. jmiller