End of ADS-L Digest - 12 Apr 1996 to 14 Apr 1996 ************************************************ There are 8 messages totalling 291 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Labov Lecture 2. LaCroix 3. Kiss and Ride 4. the athlete/politician's third-person (3) 5. Request for help on divergency (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 08:29:48 CDT From: Randy Roberts Subject: Labov Lecture "Why Are American Dialects Diverging?" William Labov of the University of Pennsylvania will present a public lecture on the subject of dialect divergence at the 11th annual Peter Tamony Memorial Lecture on American Language at the University of Missouri-Columbia on Thursday, April 25th. Dr. Labov's talk will be held at 4:15 in Ellis Library Auditorium and will be followed by a public reception at the Western Historical Manuscript Collection. Dr. Labov, an internationally recognized scholar, has been professor of linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania since 1971 and director of its Linguistics Laboratory since 1976. The lecture series is named in honor of Peter Tamony of San Francisco whose voluminous collection of slang and colloquialism citations were donated to the Western Historical Manuscript Collection in 1985. This year's lecture, in addition, recognizes the receipt of the archives of the Linguistic Society of America by the Western Historical Manuscript Collection. For further information contact Nancy Lankford at Western Historical Manuscript Collection, 23 Ellis Library, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65201; phone (573) 882-6028; e-mail whmc[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ext.missouri.edu