Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 10:08:22 -0500 From: mai kuha Subject: Here's the questionnaire! QUESTIONNAIRE Thank you for participating in this study! The purpose of this survey is to collect information about how people interact. Five hypothetical scenarios are described below. Please put an X beside the most appropriate answer to each question to indicate how you interpret the interaction described in each scenario. Please send your response to me at mkuha[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Mai Kuha Linguistics Department Indiana University, Bloomington SITUATION 1 You and Jim, a friend of yours, have agreed to meet after work to check out a sale at Acme Books. The two of you walk towards the bookstore, exchanging anecdotes about people you work with. Just as you reach the Corner Deli, which is next door to Acme Books, Jim says: "Have you eaten here?" How would you interpret this utterance? 1. Jim just wants to know whether you've eaten at the deli. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 2. Jim is trying to avoid a more serious topic. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 3. Jim is suggesting that you go in and eat. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 4. Other (if the above choices do not reflect your interpretation of the situation): Please indicate your reaction to this scenario: 5. Jim seems friendly. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 6. Jim seems self-centered. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 7. Jim has eaten at the Corner Deli before. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 8. The utterance is normal and appropriate to the situation. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 9. I might use this utterance myself in a situtation like this. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree SITUATION 2 A tree growing in your neighbor's yard has a branch which reaches over to your yard. You have asked your neighbor, Frank, to have the branch cut because it keeps sprinkling sticky seed pods all over your car. He does nothing. Finally you decide to cut the branch yourself. Just as you start cutting, Frank appears and says: "Hi there! What are you doing?" How would you interpret Frank's utterance? Frank 10. just wants to know what you are doing strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 11. thinks you should not cut the branch strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 12. Other (if the above choices do not reflect your interpretation of the situation): Please indicate your reaction to this scenario: 13. Frank seems friendly. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 14. Frank seems self-centered. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 15. The utterance is normal and appropriate to the situation. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 16. I might use this utterance myself in a situtation like this. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree SITUATION 3 Unfortunately, you've broken a leg. This morning, the doctor said you'll be in the hospital for another two weeks. You share a hospital room with another patient. The two of you have been chatting and watching TV. A documentary on the wineries of France comes on and your roommate says: "Have you been to France before?" How would you interpret this person's utterance? S/he 17. just wants to know if you've been to France strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 18. has been to France and wants to tell you about it strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 19. somehow has the impression that you're planning a trip to France strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 20. is nosy and wants to find out if you are well off strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 21. Other (if the above choices do not reflect your interpretation of the situation): Please indicate your reaction to this scenario: 22. The person seems friendly. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 23. The person seems self-centered. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 24. The utterance is normal and appropriate to the situation. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 25. I might use this utterance myself in a situtation like this. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree SITUATION 4 You develop a mysterious skin condition and go see your doctor, who has become a friend over the years. She examines you and asks: "Have you had measles?" How would you interpret this utterance? 26. The doctor is just asking whether you have had measles. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 27. The doctor wants to tell you about the time when she had measles. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 28. The doctor is suggesting that you have measles now. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 29. Other (if the above choices do not reflect your interpretation of the situation): Please indicate your reaction to this scenario: 30. The doctor seems friendly. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 31. The doctor seems self-centered. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 32. The utterance is normal and appropriate to the situation. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 33. I might use a similar utterance myself in a situtation like this. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree SITUATION 5 You work in an office environment. Beth, your co-worker, says she has heard rumors of impending layoffs in your organization. You get into a conversation about jobs. Beth says: "I've worked in restaurants before." How would you interpret this utterance? 34. Beth is just making conversation. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 35. Beth is procrastinating because she doesn't want to go back to work. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 36. Beth thinks you will soon be working in a restaurant. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 37. Beth thinks she will soon be working in a restaurant. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 38. Beth's restaurant experience is in the distant past. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 39. Other (if the above choices do not reflect your interpretation of the situation): Please indicate your reaction to this scenario: 40. Beth seems friendly. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 41. Beth seems self-centered. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 42. The utterance is normal and appropriate to the situation. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree 43. I might use this utterance myself in a situtation like this. strongly agree somewhat agree I can't say somewhat disagree strongly disagree DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 44. I am: Male Female 45. Age: 46. Your first language, if other than English: 47. If your first language is NOT English, how long have you been studying (or how long did you study) English? Where? 48. If your first language is English, please describe where you are from by listing the locations where you have lived for a significant period of time. For each place, please indicate how long you lived there and whether it was a rural or urban area. 49. Please indicate the last educational level you completed: Elementary school High school Some college College degree Graduate study Thank you again! If you would like to receive more information about this study, please indicate your choice: I'd like to see a description of the purpose of this study. I'd like to see an abstract of the paper. (Obviously, it will be some time before it's finished!)