End of ADS-L Digest - 25 Apr 1996 to 26 Apr 1996 ************************************************ There are 3 messages totalling 73 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Epenthetic [l] 2. "Language for Time Travelers" 3. elementary questions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 13:54:57 -0500 From: "David A. Johns" Subject: Epenthetic [l] > Last night I was reading a student paper. Instead of "hooves" (a > possible plural of "hoof"), the student wrote "hulves." I do not > know where he comes from. This may be related to a phenomenon I noticed during the 80s while I was at the University of Florida. Younger Floridians do not have a COT/CAUGHT distinction. Most of these speakers, however, do have a phonetic [O] before /l/, as in BALL. The [l] is pronounced (often vocalized) finally or before a vowel, but when a consonant follows, it can be lost, leaving the [O] to bear the contrast; there are clear minimal pairs like BAUD [bad] : BALD [bOd]. Strangely, I even knew a couple of people who had [O] in TALK, WALK, etc., where an L is written, but not in any of the other words that traditionally had [O]. I also heard this vowel where the written language has short U before the L; in fact, I first noticed it when listening to a gymnast talking about her "composseries" (with [O]). So anyway, if Floridians are creating a new [O] out of [&l] and [al], maybe other areas are developing a new source of [U] in the same way, so that [hUf] is open to interpretation as coming from HULF. David Johns Waycross College Waycross, GA