Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 09:55:46 -0600 From: Cynthia Bernstein Subject: Re: Query A couple essays in _Language Variety in the South Revisited_ (coming out in a couple months from The University of Alabama Press) concern literary representations of AAE. In "An Early Representation of African-American English," Marianne Cooley (Univ. of Houston) discusses features of AAE represented in productions of _The Padlock_ in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Katherine Wyly Mille (U of North Carolina, Greensboro) writes about Ambrose Gonzales's Gullah. Cynthia Bernstein On Tue, 1 Apr 1997, Joseph C. Salmons wrote: > A grad student in our department (Cordelia Scharpf) is starting to work on > some fiction written here and abroad in German by Mathilde Franziska Anneke, > an abolitionist and early feminist leader. Much of the work deals with > slavery. Anneke's representation of African-American speech owes much to > English literary works of the time, but contains other elements as well. > Some of these are Anglicisms, some stereotypical foreign talk and so on. > > Can anybody recommend good recent work on the representation of African- > American speech in 19th c. literature? Has anything at all been done on > this topic using literature in languages other than English? > > Thanks, > joe salmons > jsalmons[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] >