Date: Tue, 8 Apr 1997 10:16:04 -0500 From: Mark Mandel Subject: Tipping -Reply >>> Leslie Dunkling <106407.3560[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]COMPUSERVE.COM> 0408.0620 >>> The supposed acronymic origin of tip (in its gratuity sense) is an old chestnut. It ranks with the `port out starboard home' explanation of posh. As Larry Horn implies, fanciful nonsense is often more appealing than etymological fact. [spacing added -- MAM] <<<< Has anyone ever tried to explain this general phenomenon? Mark A. Mandel : Senior Linguist : mark[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Dragon Systems, Inc. : speech recognition : +1 617 965-5200 320 Nevada St., Newton, MA 02160, USA : Personal home page: