Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 09:04:02 -0500 From: Luanne von Schneidemesser Subject: DSNA registration I just received another message about not having received registration materials for the DSNA conference. I apologize. It is out of our hands. We have been assured that it has been taken care of. To assist with the problem, I am including them here. For those of you not interested, please delete this message. **************************************************************************** ********** Dictionary of American Regional English =20 Department of English E-mail: d-a-r-e[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] University of Wisconsin Telephone: 608-263-3810 6125 Helen C. White Hall Fax: 608-263-3709 600 North Park Street = =20 Madison, Wisconsin 53706 =20 March 4, 1997 Dear DSNA Member: Enclosed you will find registration and housing materials for DSNA XI, the Eleventh Biennial Meeting of the Dictionary Society of North America.=20 The conference will take place May 29-31, 1997 (with participants arriving on Wednesday, May 28), on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Meetings will be held in the Wisconsin Center Guest House (Lowell Hall), at 610 Langdon Street, where a block of rooms has been reserved. Other housing options are also described on the enclosed page. You should make housing reservations directly with the accommodation you choose. DSNA rates for reservations are guaranteed only until April 28 (see Housing enclosure). Please return your= registration form to us by May 1. In addition to an interesting array of papers, the program offers a= reception in the Department of Special Collections of Memorial Library, where an exhibit of early dictionaries will be on display; a traditional Wisconsin picnic (described below); a visit to DARE offices, for any who are interested; and a public forum on DARE following the scheduled papers. Transportation to Madison: Airline service to the Dane Co. Regional Airport is provided by American, Midway Express, Northwest, TWA, and United, or their commuter links. There is very good, frequent bus service (every 1-2 hours) from Chicago's O'Hare Airport provided by the Van Galder Bus Company ($18 one way, 3 hours to the UW Memorial Union, about a block from Lowell Hall; call(800) 747-0994 for a schedule); Greyhound buses are less frequent, with the station several blocks from Lowell Hall (call (800) 231-2222 or; Badger Coach provides bus service from Milwaukee's Mitchell Field Airport, 2 hours to the Memorial Union (call (608) 255-6771 or =20 If you are staying at the Edgewater and provide them with your flight number and time of arrival, hotel staff will pick you up at the airport free= of charge. There are taxis available at the airport to take you to the other accommodations for about $12-$14, or you may rent a car at the airport; if you will need parking, please inform your hotel.=20 In your registration packet you will find further information, including a= list of restaurants (Madison is blessed with an abundance of good ones of all types, many within walking distance of Lowell Hall), a list of participants, the final program, and a campus map. You may pick up these materials in the lobby of Lowell Hall on Wednesday, May 28, from 3:00-8:00 p.m., or after 7:30 a.m. on Thursday. Plan to meet on the Union Terrace with other conference participants Wednesday evening if you would like; some of us will be there starting at 6:00 p.m. for informal conversation and refreshments. =20 Conference information will also be posted on DARE's homepage sometime in April. This is a good opportunity to check out our page if you haven't yet done so: the address is =20 The University's homepage can be found at A search of the Net will also yield information on Madison and Dane County. We look forward to seeing you in May. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at the address or phone number on the letterhead.=20 Please let us know if you will need any special accommodations.=20 Beginning the afternoon of May 28th, the conference telephone number will be (608) 262-6204. Sincerely, Joan Hall Luanne von Schneidemesser P.S. Those who can come early or stay late will find plenty of places to visit. They include Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin in nearby Spring Green; the Wisconsin Dells; the Circus World Museum and the International Crane Foundation in Baraboo; Devil's Lake State Park; Old World Wisconsin in Eagle; New Glarus, known as "Little Switzerland"; Pendarvis at Mineral Point. Or stay in Madison and enjoy the museums, the UW Arboretum, the State Capitol, State Street, the campus, and the shores of Lake Mendota (no visit to Madison is complete without a stop at the Memorial Union Terrace).=20 _____________________________________________________ Traditional Wisconsin Picnic Door County is the "thumb" of Wisconsin, a peninsula of farming and fishing communities jutting into Lake Michigan. It is the home of the Wisconsin Fishboil, a century-old tradition that combines good food with dramatic excitement: a fire is built in a pit; the water boils; the= potatoes, onions, and whitefish steaks cook to perfection. Listen for the bell! Then watch as a spectacular, fiery flare-up causes the cauldron to boil over and quench the fire below. Along with the whitefish stew, enjoy another Wisconsin tradition, grilled bratwurst ("brats," to those in the know).=20 These flavorful sausages are a must at any Madison picnic. For those who prefer vegetarian alternatives, we offer other local specialties,= Cheese-state Quiche and Wisconsin Garden Gazpacho. All of these entr=82es will be accompanied by salads, rye rolls, tea breads made with Wisconsin fruits and nuts, and of course, Door County's famous cherry pie. Wisconsin micro-brewery beer as well as wine, lemonade, and iced tea will be served with the meal. Please indicate on the registration form the number of tickets you would like, and enclose payment with your registration fee. ******************************************************** Housing Conference participants will need to make their own reservations for= housing. =20 DSNA group rates have been arranged at the places listed below, and are=20 guaranteed until April 28. After that the group rate can't be guaranteed,= =20 but will be honored if there are still rooms available. Be sure to mention= =20 DSNA when you make your reservations. Conference rates are good Wednesday through Saturday night. LOWELL HALL =20 (Wisconsin Center Guest House, site of the meeting) 610 Langdon St. Madison, WI 53706 (608) 256-2621 $48 single $54 double $58 triple $64 parents + 2 kids Breakfast included Free parking; make arrangements when you reserve your room check-in: 3 PM check-out: 11 AM __________________________________________________________ MADISON INN (across the street from Lowell Hall) 601 Langdon St. Madison, WI 53703 (608) 257-4391 $49 single $54 double No charge for kids under 16, extra $5 for others Continental breakfast included Free parking check-in: 2 PM check-out: noon _________________________________________________________ THE EDGEWATER (ca 4 blocks from Lowell Hall) 666 Wisconsin Ave. Madison, WI 53703 (608) 256-9071 or (800) 922-5512 $79 lakeview (single or double) $129 lakefront (single or double) No charge for kids in room with parents Free parking check-in: 3 PM check-out: noon _______________________________________________________ OGG HALL (UW dormitory, 5 blocks from Lowell Hall) 716 W. Dayton St. Madison, WI 53706 Call UW Housing (608) 262-5576 $33.25 single $21.00 (per person) double For parking permits at a nearby lot, call (608) 262-8683 by April 28. Parking options $5 to $7 per day, and must be paid in advance. check-in: noon check-out: noon Linens and maid service provided ******************************************************** REGISTRATION FORM Dictionary Society of North America XI at the=20 University of Wisconsin-Madison NAME:______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________ CITY:________________ STATE:_______ ZIP:___________ COUNTRY:___________ TELEPHONE NUMBER(S):_______________________________________________ E-MAIL:______________________________________________________________ Name Tag Information Name:__________________________________________ Affiliation: ________________________________________ Registration Fee: ($35.00)...........................................................= $________ Traditional Wisconsin Picnic tickets:______ [AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] $25.00 each $________ =20 Total: ............................................................................ ..................... $________ Recommended arrival time: Wednesday, May 28th, 1997. Make check payable to: Dictionary of American Regional English=20 =20 and send to: DARE/DSNA Conference 6125 H. C. White Hall 600 N. Park Street Madison, WI 53706 Please return this form by May 1, 1997.