Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 20:31:49 -0500 From: Ditra Henry Subject: Re: plea for advice I have a book suggestion. I use this book in a Freshman seminar ESL class on critical thinking. However most of my students will be going into Freshman English after my course. I somewhat modify the book for them because it is written with natice speakers in mind. The name of the text is Encountering Cultures : Reading and writing ina Changing World, Second Edition by Richard Holeton. It is a Pretince Hall Title. The book, per back cover, is a composition reader that explores issues of language and culture, domestic cultural diversity, and global cultural diversity with a range of authors and viewpoints. I like the book because it is broken down into sections like Langugae and Gender and has essays by such people as Deborah Tannen, Amy Tan,Sandra Cisneros,James Baldwin,Noam Chomsky,Alice Walker, Valeriae Matsumoto and many more. There is even a section on Sexual Orientation and Diversity. Take a peek at it I think it's very up to date and I'm in the process of referring this book to a Professor on our campus because we are experimenting with a Freshman Writing Class and Language and Behavior, linguistic course that work hand in hand;in other words the two professors will coordinate their curriculums to reinforce concepts and assignments. Ditra B. Henry Northeastern Illinois University Chicago, IL