Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 14:37:55 -0500
Subject: Re: you
1) My mother taught me to use "it" for babies regardless of sex; she
herself used "it" for a baby until about the time it started to walk and
talk--at which time she referred to it as "he" or "she." I offended people
here in Middle Georgia--well, women (because men never asked about my baby
except to express sympathy for the chaos at home)--when I referred to my
infant daughter as an "it." Anybody else's momma teach them/him/her the
same use of "it/him/her"? Was this some bizarre pronoun calque from
Wayne Glowka
No, not at all. Until recently the pronoun of choice for infants seems to
have been "it." You find this in everything from newspaper stories to
fiction to supreme court decisions. I've even seen it in linguistic
elicitation tests (which were testing something else besides pronouns). I
was initially startled by this, since it seemed so inhuman. After 3
children, I think it's the parents who become its, not the kids.
Dennis Baron debaron[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Department of English 217-333-2392
University of Illinois fax: 217-333-4321
608 South Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801