Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 12:39:00 CDT


Subject: that's all folks

In my best Pennsylvania German, 'The books are all.'

For a while there this morning, I thought you loved me for

myself; never have I gotten so much e-mail in three

hours. The like of it!

I was happy to oblige - and to clear off one of my shelves

at least.

There is still one way, though, you can avail yourself of all

the interesting onomastica that you are currently missing. Join

the American Name Society! Dues are STILL ONLY $25 per year and

yes you can join now for 95 and get a few 94 issues to boot, for

lagniappe, etc. If you would like a membership form, or a FREE

sample copy of NAMES, the journal of the ANS, drop me an e-

message at

TB0EXC1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (make sure that't TBzero and not the

letter o

with your s-mail address and I will send one off to you.


Edward Callary, Editor, NAMES