Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 09:37:32 EDT
Subject: Re: ADS-L Digest - 23 Aug 1994 to 24 Aug 1994
From: Judith Rascoe boise[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]WELL.SF.CA.US
"Racist term" seems like a useful phrase, defined as an insulting epithet
used by a member of one race or ethnic group to refer disparagingly to a
member of another group. In this sense I guess "poor white trash" is only a
'racist term' when the speaker is non-white. But I also agree that the
PWT is not racist per se since it is also often used by high-status
whites talking about low-status whites.
I think Judith is right on target here. Consider the use of "nigger."
Usually, it is not considered racist when used by one African-American
speaking to or about another African-American. When used by a someone
from another race, however, the term is generally interpreted as a
racist slur.