Date: Sun, 28 Aug 1994 22:56:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Racist terms--white trash
I haven't been following the discussion closely but I thought someone
mentioned _white trash_ last week. At our potluck for new TAs Friday
night someone from Arkansas said something like "white trash and proud
to be." So I asked him about the term being used self-referentially in
a positive sense and he said he (age 41) and his Arkansas friends did
so routinely, though they all came from families he classified as lower
middle class who would be horrified if they knew their children used
that term of themselves, and had done so for 20 yrs or more. And he
admitted there was some irony in the term as well.
debaron[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (\ 217-333-2392
\'\ fax: 217-333-4321
Dennis Baron \'\ __________
Department of English / '| ()_________)
Univ. of Illinois \ '/ \ ~~~~~~~~ \
608 S. Wright St. \ \ ~~~~~~ \
Urbana IL 61801 ==). \__________\
(__) ()__________)