Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 15:16:42 EDT
Subject: mouth ulcers and plagiarism
Ohio University Electronic Communication
Date: 03-Aug-1995 02:46pm EST
To: Remote Addressee ( _mx%"ads-l[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] )
From: Beverly Flanigan Dept: Linguistics
Subject: mouth ulcers and plagiarism
Two replies and a query:
Growing up in Minnesota ('40s and '50s), I, like the Kansas and western
New York State writers, distinguished between cold sore (outside) and
canker sore (inside). I don't recall hearing the distinction in St.
Louis, southern Indiana, or southern Ohio, my subsequent homes,
although it may exist in all three areas.
In a similar vein: My Minnesota-born father (born 1900) insisted that
one should say "Give it me" (no prep. phrase), not "Give me it." Why?
Because his New England-born country schoolmarm (born circa 1865) said
so, that's why! Her usage violates the standard word order rule for
direct and indirect object pronouns, of course; but has anyone else
ever heard this? We argued about it endlessly in my smart-alecky high
school days, but he was just as prescriptive as I was and wouldn't
budge. (Incidentally, he was so devoted to this teacher that he
brought her a chicken every Christmas for the last 20 years or so of
her 103 years of life--talk about a shaping influence!)
On Lynne's problem with plagiarism: Many students in other cultures
"cheat" because they don't know what plagiarism (a Western academic
concept) is. I recently taught a group of visiting teachers (black and
white) from South Africa, Namibia, and Lesotho, and they reported that
this is indeed a common phenomenon; but I've had graduate students from
all over the world who do the same thing. But then, haven't we all had
this same problem with American students? If it is indeed a problem
(and it is if your cultural context defines it as such), don't
despair--teach to it!
Beverly Flanigan
Ohio University
Received: 03-Aug-1995 03:16pm