Date: Tue, 8 Aug 1995 11:09:22 PDT

From: tom creswell creswell[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]CROWN.NET

Subject: Re: Keep those e-mails coming in (interim report)

In keeping with my normal tendency to not participate in the impedance of

language change, indeed, to hasten it in the direction of ease of production

if possible, I use as my regular spelling non-hyphenated _email_ and do,

despite NY Times and the majority of ADS query respondents, use it at

will as a count noun. Haven't had any objection from correspondents yet..

Not only that, but throwing caution to the winds, I regularly spell without

a hyphen or a slash (two current dictionaries show hyphen, two slash)

_CDROM_. I hope that this information does not cause the anal NYTimes

copy editor to suffer a coronary event.

Tom Creswell

219/926 7018-------