Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 16:33:41 -0400
From: Stephanie Strassel strassel[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]BABEL.LING.UPENN.EDU
Subject: NWAVE 24
For those of you who may be interested, there is now a WWW homepage
for the NWAVE 24 Conference. NWAVE (New Ways of Analyzing Variation),
an international sociolinguistics conference, will be held October 12-14 at
the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The homepage contains
informantion about registration and a schedule of events, and includes a
list of the papers to be presented. The homepage can be accessed at
Several of the papers being presented are of potential interest to ADS
members, and there is scheduled one joint session with the ADS on Saturday.
If you are unable to access the homepage but would like further information
about NWAVE 24, please send email to the following address:
I hope to meet some of you there!
Stephanie Strassel
Department of Linguistics
University of Pennsylvania