Britcom=British comedy.
Sitcom=Situation comedy.
Computers have made this a bit interesting. You can go to
and In the latter, you'll finding the Beyond Roentgen Imaging
Technologies people who cloned Dolly.
I haven't seen Britcom in some books of words, but fans of TNT (that
would be Turner Network Television) know that he was running "Brit-coms"
every Friday in July.
I thought Newsday's Marvin Kitman invented this in the 1980s, but Nexis
came up with an earlier citation from another newspaper.
Britcom is also the name of a telecommunications company.
OED has 1964 for "sitcom" and the TV GUIDE for 23 October 1953 for
"situation comedy." With little effort, I found August 1953, THEATRE ARTS,
pages 90-91, "Situation Comedy--or Situation Wanted?"